Strategic System Improvement Plan for Detroit’s Homelessness Response System

July 16, 2024 - The City of Detroit, the Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND), Detroit Continuum of Care (CoC) and community partners in the homelessness response system revealed their new a five-year strategic system improvement plan to reduce homelessness in the City of Detroit.

Plan Goals

  1. Equity, justice, and the leadership of people with lived experience of homelessness play key roles.

  2. Every household receiving assistance through the Detroit's homelessness response system receives services based on their household needs.

  3. Detroit's homelessness response system has enough housing resources .

  4. People experiencing homelessness are holistically supported through effective, sustainable partnerships.

  5. Funding will be coordinated in Detroit's homelessness response system.

  6. Emergency, rehousing and prevention services are designed to ultimately reduce overall homelessness and first-time homelessness.


A Strategic Plan Oversight Commission (SPOC) was formed in 2023, with 5 people representing the City of Detroit, HAND, and the Detroit Continuum of Care and 5 people with lived experience of homelessness. The SPOC was charged with guiding the planning processes for the development of a new five-year Strategic System Improvement Plan for Detroit’s homelessness response system.

The Plan Focuses on 8 Improvement Action Areas

To drive progress toward its vision, the Plan features eight Improvement Action Areas focused on system-wide improvements and on strengthening core elements of the homelessness response system:

  1. Establishing the Structures Necessary for Plan Implementation, to develop effective governance and project management structures that ensure effective implementation of all plan activities.

  2. Leading the System toward Equity and Justice, to uplift the perspectives and leadership of people with lived experience of homelessness and to ensure programs and services are designed and implemented with a leading focus on equity and justice.

  3. Enhancing Staffing and Capacity Across the Homelessness Response System, to ensure housing and service providers get the support, training, and compensation they need to provide high-quality, individualized services.

  4. Advocating for Resources to Expand System and Improve Quality of Programs, to expand and improve federal, state, and local funding to both prevent and resolve experiences of homelessness.

  5. Building Upon Existing Improvement Efforts, to sustain focus on apply lessons learned from improvement efforts focused on coordinated entry system, youth homelessness, and Veteran homelessness.

  6. Strengthening and Reimagining Shelter, to improve facilities and programs so that people receive the same level of holistic, trauma-informed services, and case management across programs.

  7. Expanding Housing Supply and Building an Effective Rehousing System, so that people are quickly connected to safe, stable, and affordable housing when they experience homelessness.

  8. Reducing Unsheltered Homelessness, to reduce the number of people sleeping outside and connect them to housing and services solutions.

The full plan will be released in late July 2024.

Learn more about the plan on the City of Detroit’s website.