Youth Homelessness Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act

Introduced February 23, 2024, the Youth Homelessness Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act (HR 7451) by Representative Rashida Tlaib the "bill will launch a pilot program providing direct cash assistance to emancipated minors and young adults under 30 years old experiencing homelessness in the amount of $1,400, or the adjusted fair market rent, for 36 months and then studies the effects of the program on housing and health outcomes, among other impacts.”

The Homeless Action Network of Detroit is proud to support innovative ways to end youth homelessness, which is one of the reasons why we endorsed the Youth Homelessness Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act
— Tasha Gray, Executive Director, Homeless Action Network of Detroit

You can read the full text of of the bill and set up alerts at

(Applications closed) Join our New Ambassador Program

We have some exciting news!

The applications the newly developed Ambassador Program are now live.

The Ambassador Program will provide opportunities to people with lived experience of homelessness (PWLEH) to use their experiences and knowledge gained while navigating the homeless system to further advocacy efforts.

The ambassador program will provide education, mediation support, and connections to resources for clients in the Detroit CoC. Initially, the program will focus on the shelters and will later expand to housing programs. During the initial phase, we will be co-developing education materials.