FY2024 Continuum of Care Competition

Comments Sought

The Detroit CoC is accepting public comments on the draft FY2024 Continuum of Care Project Priority Ranking Policies. These policies have been developed by the Values and Funding Priorities Committee and describe how renewal and new projects will be ranked in the upcoming FY2024 CoC competition.

The draft policies may be accessed here.

Comments are due by 12:00 pm (noon) on July 19 and may be submitted here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2024ProjectRankingPolicies

FY2024 CoC Local Project Application Materials

New Project Applications

The Detroit Continuum of Care is releasing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for agencies interested in applying for new Continuum of Care project funding. Applications may be submitted for projects that do not currently receive CoC funding for for currently-funded projects for which the agency would like to request additional funding.

Applications may also be submitted for projects specifically targeted to people fleeing domestic violence.

Full details on this funding opportunity are found in the Request for Proposals (RFP), which may be accessed here.

Applications for new project funding must be submitted by 12:00 pm (noon) on July 29, 2024.

A webinar on the new project application process was held on June 25, 2024. Entities interested in applying for this funding are encouraged to view this webinar if they were not able to attend it live. The recording for the webinar may be found here.

The webinar slides may be accessed here.

On-Line Application Portal

Applications for new project funding must be submitted via an on-line application portal, which can be accessed here:


Instructions for accessing the on-line portal are found on page 22 of the RFP.

Applicant agencies may view the questions they will encounter in the on-line application portal here. Note: this document is provided only to help agencies plan their application responses. All applications must be submitted via the on-line portal in order to be considered.

Attachments for Submission in On-Line Application Portal

Depending on the type of application an agency is applying for, one or more of the following documents will need to be downloaded to your computer, completed, and uploaded into the application portal.

  • PSH Budget Spreadsheet: Agencies applying for PSH (either new or expansion) must complete and upload the PSH budget spreadsheet, which can be accessed here.

  • Other Project Type Spreadsheet: Agencies applying for any other type of funding (RRH, TH-RRH, or CE-SSO) must complete the budget spreadsheet which can be accessed here.

  • CAM Governance Committee Letter of Support: Agencies applying for new or expansion CE-SSO funding must upload a signed letter of support from the CAM Governance Committee with their application. See page 21 of the RFP for details on this letter of support process. The letter of support template that will need to be completed and submitted may be accessed here.


For questions or more information, contact Amanda Sternberg at 313-380-1714 or amanda@handetroit.org.

Renewal Project Applications

The FY2024 Continuum of Care Renewal Application and Policies may be accessed here.

  • The application form itself, which must be completed and submitted to HAND, is available in Word format here.

The deadline for renewal project applications to be submitted to HAND is 12:00 pm (noon) on June 14, 2024.

A webinar for renewal applicants was held on May 16. A recording of this webinar may be accessed here. The slides from the webinar are available here.

Renewal Project Self-Scoring Tools

Renewal projects may use these tools to conduct a self-score to get an idea of how their project may score. Use of these tools is optional.


FY2024 CoC Competition Timeline

  • May 13: Renewal Project applications released

  • May 16: Renewal project webinar held

  • June 14: Renewal project applications due

  • June 20: New Project Request for Proposals released

  • June 25: New Project Application webinar held

  • Mid-July: Renewal project scores released

  • July 29, at 12:00 pm (noon): New project applications due

  • Late July/early August: Renewal project appeals process (if applicable)

  • Early September: CoC board decisions on new project funding

  • Late September: All project applications submitted to HUD

CoC Competition Policies and Other Information

Applying for Continuum of Care or Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program Funding: What to Expect When Applying
On June 1, 2022, HAND held a webinar for prospective applications of Continuum of Care (CoC) or Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) funding. The purpose of this webinar was to educate, inform, and empower agencies as they consider applying for these funds. Resources from this webinar are available here:

Continuum of Care applications and materials from FY2023 and prior years, including lists of funded projects, may be accessed here.