Documents Open for Public Comments

CoC Emergency Transfer Plan

Detroit CoC Non-Discrimination Policy

Written Standards for Homeless Programs

CoC Calendar 

CoC Grievance Procedures

Letter of Support Policies and Procedures

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Letter of Support for Development Projects - (Revised March 2023)

  • New construction or rehab Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Development Teams that are seeking a Letter of Support (LOS) from the Detroit Continuum of Care (COC) and the signature of the local Coordinated Entry System (CES), also called the Housing Assessment and Resource Agency (HARA). This includes developers applying to City of Detroit HOME and Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA), including but not limited to HOME, Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), Gap Financing, etc.


Detroit CoC Training Survey

We would like your input as we strive to plan training opportunities for the Continuum for 2021 and coming years. Please follow this link to inform of us what trainings you would like to see. Responses will be collected on a rolling basis but are due by 11:59pm on March 31st to be considered for development in 2021.