HAND 2021 Virtual HMIS Bootcamp



February 25 - 26th | 9am - 2pm

Description:  The HAND HMIS team is excited to offer this 2-day Virtual Bootcamp covering a wide-range of HMIS-related topics. Although attendance is mandatory for City of Detroit funded programs, this Bootcamp is open to everyone and anyone within the Detroit CoC that wants to attend. All sessions require you to complete a brief registration (name & email) to access the event.

Contact the HAND HMIS Team at hmisinfo@handetroit.org if you run into technical difficulty accessing a session, or if you have any other questions, comments, or feedback to offer.

Agenda - Day 1

February 25, 2021


All Participants

9:00AM - 9:30AM

Opening Remarks & Introduction to HMIS

Presenter: Denise Goshton

Join HAND’s HMIS team for some important housekeeping items in preparation for the two-day virtual HMIS Bootcamp training and learn why HMIS is more than just another four-letter word.

 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the history of HMIS;

  • Explain the benefits of using HMIS;

  • Differentiate how Michigan’s HMIS Implementation is different than a single CoC implementation.

Target Audience: All Participants



9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

ESG: Emergency Shelter/Warming Center HMIS Data Entry Workflow

Presenter: William Sheeley

This session will consist of a thorough walk through of Shelter Point and what needs to be done for reporting standards and reviewing/updating client data as well as exiting the clients to keep up with proper bed counts.

 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Navigate ShelterPoint & ClientPoint workflow from referral to exit;

  • Explain and implement the process for capturing mandatory Case Plans and Notes;

  • Utilize the Detroit Housing Match Assessment to view HCV information and update Agency Contacts;

  • Complete a Quarterly Bed and Unit Inventory Report.

 Target Audience: Data entry staff and managers of Shelters/Warming Centers




9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

ESG: Street Outreach HMIS Data Entry Workflow

Presenter: Shanna Cherubini (MTAN)

Street Outreach providers are in a league of their own when it comes to HMIS data collection and reporting. In this session, participants will receive an overview of the standardized data collection requirements for all of Detroit’s street outreach providers. The session will include a step-by-step walkthrough on how to enter, update, and close client records in the HMIS. Participants will also learn how to navigate sticky situations that may arise where standard data entry practices may not align with the reality of the project and the services provided.

 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Create the HMIS record with not much more than a person’s name;

  • Identify the trigger for data quality standards;

  • Explain the process for capturing mandatory Case Plans and Notes;

  • Describe and implement the process for closing inactive clients in HMIS. 

 Target Audience: Street Outreach direct care and data entry staff (both newly funded and existing projects)  



11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

ESG: Homeless Prevention HMIS Data Entry Workflow

Presenter: Viki DeMars

The HMIS plays an important role in tracking referral outcomes and reporting on the prevention-related services offered through the new ESG-CV funding. In this session, participants will receive an overview of the referral process for Detroit’s Prevention programs. The session will include a step-by-step walkthrough on receiving referrals; locating the client record and updating the release of information, recording referral outcomes; utilizing the prevention entry/exit workflow; and recording case plans and goals, and services. Participants will also learn how to address situations where consumers may need a referral elsewhere.

 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the referral process for Prevention;

  • Navigate ClientPoint from referral to exit;

  • Explain the process for capturing mandatory Referral Outcomes, Services, Case Plans and Notes;

  • Describe how data quality and completeness affects reporting requirements.

 Target Audience: Prevention data entry staff, case managers, supervisors, data quality or CQI staff (both newly funded and existing projects)



11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

ESG: Rapid Re-Housing HMIS Data Entry Workflow

Presenter: Kiana Harrison

No longer the new kid on the block Rapid Rehousing (RRH) continues to be a major resource in housing individuals experiencing homelessness. The data entry requirements for RRH are hefty. Accurate data entry is critical to track success, learn about the population and implement improvements.  

 We will cover a client flowing from a homeless situation through to housing and exit; including but not limited to Referral from CAM, HMIS before a client is housed, HMIS after the client is housed, Case Plans, Services and helpful reports to support RRH data completeness & quality.  

 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the Rapid Rehousing referral process;

  • Navigate ClientPoint from referral to exit;

  • Explain the process for capturing mandatory Case Plans and Notes;

  • Describe how data quality and completeness affects reporting outcomes.

Target Audience: Rapid Rehousing data entry staff, case managers, supervisors, data quality or CQI staff (both newly funded and existing projects)


All Participants

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

HMIS Roundtable

Presenters: HAND Staff

This time has been set aside to give attendees the opportunity to provide input, raise questions, or discuss concerns with HAND HMIS team on a variety of HMIS related topics. 

Target Audience: All Participants

Agenda - Day 2

February 26, 2021


All Participants

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

HMIS Help Topics

Presenter: Anita Posey

The use of the HMIS is mandated by many programs on the Federal, State, and local level. Yet, understanding the HMIS requirements and navigating the HMIS system, can be quite daunting. In this session, participants will gain insight on user requirements, various resources for new and seasoned users, and learn about the processes involved with various types of helpdesk requests.

 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the process for obtaining and maintaining access to the HMIS;

  • Locate forms, guidance documents, and other HMIS related resources, when needed;

  • Determine where to go for addressing HMIS related questions;

  • Explain the process for seeking help in addressing HMIS errors or issues.

 Target Audience: Everyone (All Project Types)



10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Mandatory ESG/ESG-CV Reporting Requirements

Presenter: Kiana Harrison

This is what you have to know! Mandatory Reports for ESG/CDBG & ESG-CV – the why, what, how & when for the HUD and Local required reporting associated with your grants.

We will cover how the client level data translates to the required reporting platforms. This will include a best practice for finding and fixing errors in the Data Quality sections of the CAPER/APR as well as how to run the reports, save and send them.  We will also be covering the local Accomplishments Spreadsheet and how to use your agencies APR to complete this quarterly task as well as some suggestions on best ways to aim towards meeting your benchmarks for each program type.

 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the HUD mandatory reports and timelines;

  • Define how data quality and completeness affects reporting requirements;

  • Explain the process for seeking help in addressing HMIS errors or issues.

Target Audience: HMIS Agency Administrators, Emergency Shelter, Prevention, Rapid Rehousing & Street Outreach staff that are responsible for generating reports and managing data quality for these grants, HRD staff, agency management & supervisors.



10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

HUD Data Standards 101

Presenter:  Lauren Bianchi

The HMIS Data Standards represent the foundation for all the data contained within the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Classify the HMIS Universal Data Elements (UDEs) and Program Specific Data Elements;

  • Define who each data element applies to and when it should be collected;

  • Describe a minimum of three Data Collection Best Practices;

  • Locate HUD Resources/Materials.

 Target Audience: Everyone (All Project Types)



12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Advanced Reporting with ART

Presenter: Shanna Cherubini (MTAN)

You have collected and entered all the required data elements. Now what?? In this ART Introductory session, participants will learn how to run, schedule, and save reports in ART. This training will also highlight some key reports available to assist projects with monitoring data quality and outcome performance as well as managing day-to-day activities.

Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Navigate ART to locate Key reports;

  • Describe how to use ART to run, schedule and save reports;

  • Identify key reports for monitoring data quality and outcome performance. 

Target Audience: Agency leadership, grant compliance and reporting personnel (All Project Types)



12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Other HMIS Topics

Presenters: HAND Staff

Data extracted from the HMIS is critical in providing insight needed by a broad group of individuals, organizations, and governmental agencies to effectively address the Detroit’s homeless crisis. The Detroit CoC’s HMIS also serves as an outcome-based system that facilitates timely, efficient, and effective access to needed services and supports for persons who experience and are at risk of homelessness. In this session, we will cover key issues that impact the effectiveness of the HMIS for these stated purposes:

 Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Add and remove household members;

  • Describe the process for adding Annual Assessments and updating client information;

  • Complete the homeless history questions correctly;

  • Identify the appropriate discharge destination response upon client exit;

Target Audience: Data Entry staff and Management Everyone (All Project Types)


All Participants

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

HMIS Roundtable

Presenters: HAND Staff

This time has been set aside to give attendees the opportunity to provide input, raise questions, or discuss concerns with HAND HMIS team on a variety of HMIS related topics. 

Target Audience: All Participants