Today, the Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND) is proud to announce the successful transition of the Coordinated Assessment Model or CAM. HAND will serve a three-year term as the lead agency of CAM to provide a community driven system that strives to be a reliable path to housing. In collaboration with community partners Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency (Wayne Metro) and Community and Home Supports (CHS), HAND will be able to enhance CAM services through extended call center hours and in-person operations. 

Full phone assessments will return this Wednesday, August 30.

CAM Transition

May 25, 2023 - After a thorough process, the Detroit Continuum of Care (CoC) General Membership designated a new Coordinated Assessment Model (CAM) Lead. With the support of 88% of the present members, the Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND) will serve a three-year term as the CAM Lead Agency. The General Membership also authorized (by an 80% affirmative vote) the CAM Transition Team to work with HAND, Wayne Metropolitan Action Agency (Wayne Metro), and Community and Home Supports (CHS) to develop and finalize a more fulsome plan to provide call center and in-person access as well as back-office services for CAM.

Congratulations to the Detroit Continuum of Care for making these critical decisions. Over the next few months, we will be MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER!

  • May 25 General Membership meeting materials

    • Watch the meeting here


Since the inception of coordinated entry (CE) in our community, CAM has resided at the same lead agency. Effective September 1st, 2023, that agency will no longer serve as the lead agency. Since CE is the front door to our homeless system and a requirement of HUD, it is a critical component of our homeless response system that we must sustain.

This is a resource hub for the CAM transition and updated regularly. Here you will find meeting materials, updates, and more information about the process.

Please feel free to reach or for any questions. In the email, use the subject line “CAM Transition”.


  • CAM Applicant Workshop and Informational held Jan 24 and 25 (materials below)

  • People with Lived Experience of Homelessness (PWLEH) focus groups held. Feedback summary

CAM Transition Timeline


January CAM Applicant Workshop Materials

HAND and Southwest Counseling Solutions held a two-day workshop filled with information needed to begin your planning process. All recordings and documentation are located below.

January 24 | 10am Presentation

January 25 | 12pm Presentation

CAM Transition Workgroup

Meeting Notes*

Presentation slides contain have that meeting’s notes in red text

*slides contain meetings notes which are in red text

CAM Transition Subcommittees

  • Current Operations & Collaborations

  • Data & Technology

  • Evaluation & Assessment

  • Funding

  • Project Management & Strategy

  • People with Lived Experience of Homelessness (PWLEH) Engagement

  • Request for Qualifications

  • Training & Communication