Youth Homelessness Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act

Introduced February 23, 2024, the Youth Homelessness Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act (HR 7451) by Representative Rashida Tlaib the "bill will launch a pilot program providing direct cash assistance to emancipated minors and young adults under 30 years old experiencing homelessness in the amount of $1,400, or the adjusted fair market rent, for 36 months and then studies the effects of the program on housing and health outcomes, among other impacts.”

The Homeless Action Network of Detroit is proud to support innovative ways to end youth homelessness, which is one of the reasons why we endorsed the Youth Homelessness Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act
— Tasha Gray, Executive Director, Homeless Action Network of Detroit

You can read the full text of of the bill and set up alerts at

(Applications closed) Join our New Ambassador Program

We have some exciting news!

The applications the newly developed Ambassador Program are now live.

The Ambassador Program will provide opportunities to people with lived experience of homelessness (PWLEH) to use their experiences and knowledge gained while navigating the homeless system to further advocacy efforts.

The ambassador program will provide education, mediation support, and connections to resources for clients in the Detroit CoC. Initially, the program will focus on the shelters and will later expand to housing programs. During the initial phase, we will be co-developing education materials.

Homeless Action Network of Detroit finalizes Coordinated Assessment Model (CAM) Transition

CAM Detroit Extends Hotline Hours with Plans to Open In-Person Access Locations to Service Unhoused in Detroit, Highland Park and Hamtramck

DETROIT (Sept. 11, 2023) - Today, the Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND) is proud to announce the successful transition of the Coordinated Assessment Model (CAM) system leadership. HAND will serve a three-year term as the lead agency of CAM to provide a community driven system that strives to be a reliable path to housing. In collaboration with community partners Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency (Wayne Metro) and Community and Home Supports (CHS), HAND will be able to enhance CAM services through extended call center hours and in-person operations.

The CAM Hotline (313-305-0311) has been in service in Detroit for nearly ten years. Wayne Metro will now manage all call center operations and will operate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Additional services will be available through the hotline with an integration with the Detroit’s Housing Resource Helpline including utility assistance, legal and affordable housing resources.

“The Homeless Action Network of Detroit has been the lead agency for homelessness in Detroit, Hamtramck and Highland Park for more than 20 years,” said Tasha Gray, Executive Director of Homeless Action Network of Detroit. “Now, we are excited to take on this vital role for our community as the Lead Agency for CAM. Some at HAND, including myself, were instrumental in the development of CAM about ten years ago. It has grown tremendously since then under the leadership of Southwest Counseling Solutions. As they move out of the CAM space, we welcome the new energy from Wayne Metro and HAND and the opportunity to build and improve upon the work already done.”

CAM (or coordinated entry, as it is nationally known) is a model used in many cities to provide astreamlined process of resources for people experiencing homelessness. The primary functions of CAM include: connecting clients to shelters; assessing a person’s housing needs; identifying and prioritizing the most vulnerable; and referrals to housing programs for long-term assistance. The CAM Hotline is the tool often used to begin the process of evaluating the needs of someone entering the homeless system.

“In November, we are excited that CAM services will expand to in-person intake via several community partnerships,” adds Gray. “As lead agency for CAM, HAND wants to connect clients with resources by making CAM more accessible. In the future, we even hope to provide bus passes or ride shares to get people to and from in-person CAM intake locations and shelters.”

Another CAM partner, Community and Home Supports (CHS) will provide critical navigation services. CHS team members will meet with clients at the shelter, assess their situation, gather vital documents, and help them to complete housing applications. Meeting clients in-person has been proven successful to help get people into permanent housing.

“As the first resource for those that are experiencing homelessness in Detroit, Hamtramck or Highland Park, HAND strives to connect resources and clients and the CAM Detroit Hotline is the best tool,’ concludes Gray. “The website will be a resource for CAM hours, information and other developments.”

For more information, go to


About Homeless Action Network of Detroit

Homeless Action Network of Detroit (HAND) is a recognized clearinghouse on “all-things” homelessness. Since 1996, HAND has served as the region’s leading resource on solutions to homelessness. By securing funding, analyzing data, and driving change in our community, we help to keep homeless service providers focused on their mission and make ending homelessness a reality.