I am applying for funding and the application requires a "Letter of Support" from HAND. How do I obtain a Letter of Support from HAND?

Please view/download a copy of the HAND Letters of Support Policy

Policies Found Here

How many people are homeless in Detroit?

5678 were homeless according to our CoC 2021 Annual State of Homelessness report. For more data on people who are homeless in Detroit, Highland Park, and Hamtramck, please go to our reports page.

How many people are homeless in Michigan?

For Statewide data on homelessness, please visit the Michigan Coalition to End Homelessness’s (MCTEH) website.

How do I obtain funding to start a new emergency shelter or transitional housing program for people who are homeless?

Thank you for your interest in serving people who are homeless in our community. HAND oversees the distribution of funding from the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA).

Both the federal and state governments have made changes to their funding priorities, resulting in neither entity funding new emergency shelter or transitional housing programs. While HUD and MSHDA do fund existing emergency shelters and transitional housing programs, they do not fund new programs of these types.

Many of the emergency shelter and transitional housing programs in Detroit rely on donations from individuals, churches, and/or foundations.

I would like to volunteer helping the homeless. How do I do this?

To volunteer with a homeless service provider in Detroit, please contact the United Way for Southeastern Michigan’s 211 line for information on volunteer opportunities, or use their volunteer portal.

What is the Continuum of Care (CoC)?

The Detroit Continuum of Care (CoC) is a year-round planning body of representative stakeholders working toward ending homelessness. The coverage area is Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park.

Our CoC page has more information. We have a CoC 101 on HAND’s YouTube Page where you can learn more about the system.

What is the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)?

The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a web-based database used by service organizations to collect and record information on the people they serve. This information is collected for people who are homeless and at-risk of homelessness. HAND is the HMIS lead agency which oversees operations.

Please go to our HMIS page for more information.


What is the PIT Count?

From HUD’s PIT Methodology Count Guide: “PIT count data and CoC efforts to produce an accurate count also play a critical role in the annual CoC Program Competition. HUD requires CoCs to submit PIT count data and information on the methodology used to generate their sheltered and unsheltered counts. HUD uses this information to ensure that the data are valid and reliable and then to evaluate the progress CoCs are making on reducing homelessness generally and among specific subpopulations. Collecting valid and reliable data and making progress on reducing homelessness are scoring factors in HUD’s CoC Program Competition and can influence CoC Program funding awards

“In addition to informing national priorities and HUD funding decisions, PIT count data are an extremely important source for local program and system planning. To be responsive to the needs of persons experiencing homelessness in the community, CoCs need to understand how many individuals and families are being served by their homeless services system, as well as how many are unsheltered and might still need access to services.”